About me

About me

Welcome to this blog. Thank you for visiting. Please look around and make yourself at home.
I’m married to Wendy and we’re retired, living in West Sussex, UK, close to the glorious South Downs. We have four grandchildren.
As you will see, I love the English countryside during the four seasons, wildlife, ecology, plants and gardens, nature poetry, classical music, Celtic Christianity and, above all, my Christian faith.

I love my native land, especially Southern England where I have lived most of my life. Join me in my own cottage garden and as I revisit some of the places I know and where I have happy memories, including visits to Scotland and Wales as well.

A Listening Heart
Nature’s pace through the seasons is slow. Come with me as I sit for a while in her company as she slows us down, restores and quietens our restless 21st century spirits.

— Richard Sutton

The Arun river , West Sussex
The Arun river flowing through the South Downs