Dancing with the Daffodils

Dancing with the Daffodils

For a cheering pick-me-up after a prolonged period of winter ‘blues’, come out into the garden and see what it’s been up to in the cold weather. 

“A garden is for ‘delight’, for ‘sweet solace’, for ‘the purest of all human pleasures, the greatest refreshment for the spirits of men’. It is to promote ‘jocunditie of minde’, it is to ‘call home over-wearied spirits’. So say the old writers.”

Gertrude Jekyll

I don’t know about you, but after the past few months of winter and some rather trying circumstances I’m ready for some ‘jockunditie of minde’ for an ‘over-wearied spirit’,  something a garden can supply in good measure!

The Dancing Daffodils

 A good place to start is with the Wordsworths and the daffodils. Dorothy Wordsworth’s diary  comments on that special moment when, after a wild and windy Maundy Thursday walk over the hills in 1802 with her brother William, they saw those famous daffodils by the lakeside at Ullswater. She writes that

they tossed and reeled and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, ever glancing, ever changing

As we all know, later William wrote those famous words in his oft quoted poem:  

“A host of golden daffodils……….And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils.”

The earliest daffodil of all ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’. In flower December-January

We have had daffodils dancing since the end of November cheering us with their patches of bright yellow sunshine in a cold winter garden – John Clare’s ‘Sweet earthly suns of spring’. On frosty nights the flowers are prostrate on the grass is if killed by the frost, but by the morning with a rise in temperature they stand up erect again. Where would our gardens be without these dependable stalwarts?

My other early Daffodil – ‘Spring Dawn’  in flower Jan-Feb

 In the garden yellow always lifts the spirits and the sunshine always radiates from a yellow planting – just the cheering tonic for a cold winter or early spring day. img_1891.jpg

Early Spring Flowers

As well as the daffodils the winter garden has been full of yellow. Mahonias in December, Aconites in January, Mimosa (last year’s photo above), crocuses and  Cornus mas in February. Even the odd dandelion and patch of celandines adds a sparkle of fun, though beware, they may start to take you over unless checked.

IMG_4366[1]These hardy snowdrops, the ‘harbingers’ of spring and the brave little Cyclamen coums have had their fling in January-February. Then they hand over to the crocuses – the next in line as if in a country dance and the sequence continues.


February was the crocus month. These lovely Crocus tommasinianus, busily trying to take over our front lawn, are a midwinter delight. You have to smile when you see them basking in the sunshine revealing their charm and beauty. Their colour complements and goes so well with the daffodils – a perfect pairing. The books say these can be invasive, but who cares when they bring such a wonderfully welcome invasion!

IMG_4447[1].jpgThe unfurled shoots of the Euphorbias are standing proud like a flock of sheep. Soon these will unfurl into lovely columns of lime green flowers a foot or more high – one of the prima- donnas of the dance.

The giant form of the Lenten rose (Helleborus argutifolius) remind us that Easter is approaching.
With the first garden tidy-up of the year the clumps of new shoots of perennials are revealed, waiting poised and full of promise, itching to take their part as the dance quickens in mid summer. 
The blackbirds have started singing in early morning and evening and we begin to look for the arrival of some early Brimstone butterflies. I have a host plant for them, the buckthorn, but so far  we haven’t been able to persuade them to lay eggs. Here’s hoping one day.

“All nature seems at work. Slugs leave their layer, the bees are stirring, the birds are singing and winter slumbering in the open air wears on his smiling face a dream of spring! And I, the while, the sole unbusy thing, no honey make, nor pair, nor bud, nor sing .”              

from ‘Work Without Hope.’ by S.T.Coleridge

The music has started. The garden is on the move again and full of promise. It’s time for us gardeners to join in the dance. There’s sowing and planting to do and outside the spring countryside beckons.

Do begin to enjoy your garden if you have one.

6 thoughts on “Dancing with the Daffodils

  1. Your garden is so much further ahead than mine! I think I must invest in a few early daffodils as you suggested a few posts ago. We have still got our crocus flowers and I have just found one solitary winter aconite! We haven’t been able to get going on the tidy-up yet as the ground is water-logged. Maybe, once this next cold spell is out of the way and it stops raining we’ll be able to do something!
    I’m sorry you’ve had a difficult time lately; how are your eyes?
    Best wishes for a joyful spring!


    1. Do get some of the early daffodils to cheer you in future winters. Our lawns are still very wet but happily the sunny front borders are well drained. I hope your garden dries out soon. The eyes are slightly improved and should fully clear within a few weeks I’m told.
      Enjoy your Suffolk spring too.

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    1. Good to hear from you again Cynthia. We seem to be ahead of you, our tulips are out and the Horse Chestnut buds are opening. I will be ‘dancing’ again with the next but one post on Saturday week– ‘Spring’s magic in a Sussex Wood’. Have a lovely spring yourself.

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    1. So glad you grow ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’. It’s so reliably early here. I’m always recommending it to others. ‘Spring Dawn’ is another early beauty which I would not like to be without. Yes, there’s going to be plenty more to ‘dance’ about soon..


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